专业:BIOINFORMATICS MSc/PgDip/PgCert 生物信息学
Core courses include:
Programming (Java) java
Database Theory and 出国Application 数据库原理及应用
Foundations of Bioinformatics 生物信息学基础
Omics and Systems Approaches in Biology 生物组学和系统学方法
60-credit summer research project lasting 14 weeks; normally this will be in one of the research laboratories in Glasgow associated with the programme, but there is also the opportunity to study in suitable laboratories in other parts of the world.
Semester 2 courses (core and optional) include:
RNA-seq and Next Generation Transcriptomics RNA-seq和下一代转录学
Pathogen Polyomics 病原体Polyomics
Using Chemical Structure Databases in Drug Discovery for Protein Targets 在药物发现中使用化学结构数据库用于蛋白质靶标
Identification of Disease-Causing Genetic Variants 识别致病基因变异
A range of more general biology and computing biology courses are also available in semester 2.
Normally an upper second-class Honours degree or equivalent in a relevant subject. Professional experience may be taken into account. Applicants with a lower second-class Honours degree in a relevant subject will be considered on a case by case basis.
Relevant degree subjects are
all biology degrees with a substantial molecular biology or 息学genetics component.
other biology degrees with at least some molecular biology.
computing science, software engineering or IT.
mathematics or statistics (with evidence of experience in computer programming).
other physical sciences subjects with either evidence of experience in computer programming or evidence of a strong background in molecular biology.
For all other degree backgrounds, please consult the programme director for advice before applying.
You do not need to have previous experience in computer programming, but you should be numerate as part of the programme is spent learning programming and many of the courses involve statistical analysis. We may admit you if your background is outside molecular biology and we are confident that you can develop your understanding of the biology background in a timely manner.
If you have a degree in a molecular bioscience and want to specialise or enhance your skills in biological computing, this programme is designed for you.
If your background is in a non-molecular life science or in another discipline such as computing science, please apply anyway, or enquire (see the contact listed above), as we do often take students with other backgrounds.
For applicants whose first language is not English, the University sets a minimum English Language proficiency level.
International English Language Testing System (IELTS) Academic module (not General Training)
overall score 6.5
no sub-test less than 6.0
or equivalent scores in another recognised qualification
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