今天就给大家推荐一下,想地写作外国文学家给学生推荐的道地的书书单,每一本都是英文你想跪着读完... ...给想要提高英文写作和学习文学的同学。
Can't We Talk about Something More Pleasant?
What writers can learn: How to write about ordinary stuff in an unordinary way (b-to-b content writers, I’m looking at you). Each of these books documents ordinary moments in ordinary lives—but with a perspective and treatment that make the stories anything but prosaic.
The War of Art
What writers can learn: How to get things done. Steven writes, “It’s not the writing part that’s hard. What’s hard is sitting down to write.” Yep.
Start With Why
What writers can learn: How to find a bigger story. People on Amazon will tell you to save your money and just watch the TED talk that preceded the book. But I believe books should be priced to reflect the amount of thinking and toil that goes into them. A book should cost a thousand dollars or more, not $8.99.
Watch the TED talk if you want, but buy the book, too. Don’t be a jerk.
The Idiot
What writers can learn: How to write a sentence. The craft is really nice. And reading good writing from the hand of a master writer is a relief, like you can relax and just enjoy the ride. Plus, I suspect that Elif’s next book will be way better than this one, so you should discover her early.
What writers can learn: How to blog. This book is a must-read as a prime example of sharp, first-person writing that never veers into indulgence or myopia like a lot of blogging does. If you do nothing else, skip to “Once More to the Lake” (page 198). Read. Weep. Learn.
James and the Giant Peach
What writers can learn: How to feed the imagination. Or, to quote from another Roald Dahl title, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory: “A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men.” And women.
下雪、打雪仗、堆雪人……这大概是南方人冬天最期待的事不必跨越几千公里去北方冬日的石棉孟获城给你一个戏雪乐园满足南方人所有的玩雪幻想冰雪嘉年华:无境孟获城的冬日狂欢2024年孟获城冰雪嘉年华来啦给你一场 ...[详细]
《EXODUS》官方公开了最新的预告“旅行者信条”,该作是一款科幻动作冒险RPG游戏,将登陆PS5、XSX丨S和PC平台,该作发售日暂未公开。【游侠网】《EXODUS》&ldq ...[详细]
近日,《四海兄弟:故乡Mafia: The Old Country)》游戏总监亚历克斯·考克斯接受VGC采访时解释了本作转向虚幻5引擎的原因。据悉,《四海兄弟》系列自诞生以来一直使用自研 ...[详细]
为此,我们专门整理了昆士兰科技大学的奖学金信息及申请关键信息,以帮助大家掌握第一手资料,提前做好申请准备,抹平信息差,轻松入学,不留遗憾。国际奖学金——无需单独申请昆士兰科技大 ...[详细]
【别惹农夫1000亿钻石下载】别惹农夫1000亿钻石版 v2.4.6 安卓版
游戏介绍别惹农夫1000亿钻石版是一款有趣且令人兴奋的战略冒险游戏,该游戏含了多种模式和丰富的社交元素,例如联网对战模式,允许玩家之间进行实时对抗,游戏中还设置了不同类型的僵尸和农夫角色,甚至包括一些 ...[详细] -
《EXODUS》官方公开了最新的预告“旅行者信条”,该作是一款科幻动作冒险RPG游戏,将登陆PS5、XSX丨S和PC平台,该作发售日暂未公开。【游侠网】《EXODUS》&ldq ...[详细]
独立开发者NIkita Kryukov的视觉小说新作《1000: The All-Mother's Embrace》近日上架Steam,该作支持中文。【游侠网】《1000: The All-M ...[详细]
博洛尼亚美术学院是意大利的一所国立美院,也是意大利的六大知名美院之一,更是众多赴意留学艺术学子的热门选择之一。那么,关于博洛尼亚美院你了解多少呢?下面就是美行思远小编带来的关于意大利博洛尼亚美术学院排 ...[详细]
【小小指挥官2破解版中文版无限】小小指挥官2破解版中文版无限金币无限钻石 v1.8.4 安卓版
游戏介绍小小指挥官2破解版中文版无限金币无限钻石是一款非常经典的塔防类战争策略手游,游戏作为《小小指挥官之二战风云》的正版续作,继承了前作的经典动漫卡通画风以及丰富多样的炮台和地图内容,并且在画质上有 ...[详细] -
诺丁汉特伦特大学是位于英国诺丁汉的一所综合性大学,也是英国最受学生青睐的学校之一。NTU开设的课程十分齐全,涉及到了各个领域,服装设计、建筑、城市规划等专业都是其优势专业。那么,你知道申请NTU需要满 ...[详细]